The Ultimate Travel Essential You Didn’t Know You Needed: BrighterVPN

Let’s talk about why booking your next trip with cryptocurrencies, like SXP from Solar, combined with the power of a VPN, is the future of secure, worry-free travel.

The Ultimate Travel Essential You Didn’t Know You Needed: BrighterVPN

We used to book plane tickets without thinking twice about travel insurance. Today - we wouldn’t dream of heading off on a holiday without it. In the same way, travelers once ignored the risks of lost luggage or flight cancellations, now we ensure our plans are padded with insurance cover. But what about your online safety while abroad? 

In today's world, where digital threats outweigh the physical ones, surveillance is everywhere - as are the villains, and the value of your digital possessions may be infinitely higher than the physical ones, the need for protection extends beyond physical as well. 

Welcome to the era of the VPN – your shield against digital mishaps. And if you’re still booking travel without one, it’s time to rethink your strategy. 

Let’s talk about why booking your next trip with cryptocurrencies, like SXP from Solar, combined with the power of a VPN, is the future of secure, worry-free travel.

The Crypto Travel Revolution – Why SXP is Your Best Companion

Booking travel with cryptocurrency may still be seen as niche, but savvy travelers know better. SXP, Solar's native cryptocurrency, is changing the game. Travellers using platforms like and Solatrip already benefit from the ultra-fast payments and minuscule transaction fees that Solar’s blockchain enables.

Booking flights and hotels with SXP means bypassing the headache of traditional banking delays, card fees, and exchange rate fluctuations. Plus, it’s global. No more calling your bank to make sure your credit card works abroad. Whether you’re booking a weekend in Rome or a retreat in Bali, SXP makes the process smooth, efficient, and secure.

A crypto-friendly debit card - like the Solar Card - adds another layer of security and freedom of shopping, wherever you may travel.

But what happens once you’ve locked in your travel plans? That’s where BrighterVPN comes in.

The Online Essentials for Travel – VPN as a Necessity, Not a Luxury

Once upon a time, we all traveled without insurance. And for some reason, many of us still travel without a VPN. In a world of cyber surveillance, tracking, and online threats, leaving your online security exposed while you’re abroad is like boarding a plane without luggage protection.

Solar Enterprises has developed BrighterVPN - a VPN service that goes beyond your typical VPN offering. Not only does it encrypt your internet connection to shield you from prying eyes, but it’s also integrated with Solar Wallet. This adds an extra layer of anonymity and security to your transactions – whether you’re booking travel, accessing sensitive work documents, or just surfing the web.

Using public Wi-Fi at the airport? Your VPN has you covered. Checking your online banking from a café in Paris? No problem. A VPN ensures that your data remains yours, no matter where you are.

VPN and SXP – The Perfect Travel Duo

In this new era of digital-first travel, paying for your trip with crypto is only half the equation. Ensuring your privacy and security while traveling is the other half. And the SXP-powered BrighterVPN from Solar Enterprises marries the two perfectly.

Here’s how they work together:

  • Seamless Transactions: Book your travels on platforms like or Solartrip using SXP, bypassing the issues of traditional currencies.
  • Enhanced Privacy: The BrighterVPN, integrated with Solar Wallet, lets you surf the web safely, ensuring no one can track your online movements or steal your data.
  • Anonymity in Payments: When using SXP, you’re already adding a level of privacy to your financial transactions. With the VPN, this anonymity is taken even further.

It’s the ultimate travel toolkit – fast, private, and hassle-free.

Why VPN Should Be a Part of Your Travel "Package"

We no longer think twice about buying travel insurance for missed flights, lost luggage, or unexpected delays. It’s become second nature. So why not treat your digital safety with the same care?

VPNs are as essential as packing your passport. They protect you from cybercriminals, intrusive companies, and other actors who might be closely monitoring what you do online. And with the Solar Wallet integration, BrighterVPN is not just about privacy – it’s about ensuring that your cryptocurrency transactions stay safe as well.

Make VPN Your Travel Insurance for the Digital Age

In a world where digital threats are ever-present, making sure your online activities are secure should be as routine as checking in at the airport. Booking your trips with SXP is already a step toward the future – fast, reliable, and private. Adding BrighterVPN to the mix is like having travel insurance for your digital life. 

So the next time you plan your holiday, remember to include a VPN – it’s your passport to safe browsing, private payments, and peace of mind. After all, why risk your online privacy when you don’t have to?

You can get BrighterVPN here.

Travala travel booking.

Solartrip travel booking.

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53名のアクティブなブロックプロデューサーによって保護された委任型プルーフオブステーク(DPoS: デリゲーテッド・プルーフ・オブ・ステーク)コンセンサスモデルを使用する分散型ブロックチェーンです。これらのブロックプロデューサーは、ブロックの作成と検証、トランザクションの検証、ガバナンスに関する投票などを行い、ブロックチェーンの維持管理に責任を負っています。 本日は、DPoSとは何か、ソーラーブロックプロデューサーの役割、投票の仕組みについてご説明します。 DPoSとは DPoS(デリゲーテッド・プルーフ・オブ・ステーク)は、コンセンサスモデルの1つです。ブロックチェーンにおけるコンセンサスモデルとは、ブロックチェーン台帳の状態とそこに記録されている取引について、独立した当事者間で合意(コンセンサス)に達するための一連の規則です。ある当事者が保留中の取引を処理し、他のすべての当事者がその作業を検証します。 現在、いくつかの合意モデルが存在しています。その他の合意モデルには、Proof of Work、Proof of Stake、Proof of Authorityなど

By Solar Enterprises